our partners

holy cross social service society

Holy Cross NGO is an incredible NGO that serves underprivileged communities in the Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh, India, through their efforts in providing vocational training, education, public health, and water and sanitation (WASH). To support their work, End Period Poverty works with the NGO’s volunteers and leadership to host workshops regarding education about menstruation and provide menstrual cups to low-income women and girls.

muni seva ashram

Muni Seva Ashram is an internationally respected NGO based in Vadodara, India, dedicated to serving the community through numerous initiatives in education, sustainability, health care, and vocational training. To strengthen their impact, End Period Poverty has partnered with the Ashram to educate the women and girls that come from the rural outskirts of India to attend the NGO’s nursing school about menstruation and supply them with sustainable menstrual products. Through their work, the Ashram exemplifies the core values of End Period Poverty, and we are honored to support their efforts.

COMMUNITIES for change

Communities for Change is a powerhouse NGO based in the Yatta Sub-county of Kenya, serving the population with environmental, entrepreneurial, and educational programs. A few of their initiatives include planting over one million trees by 2025, establishing a training facility to teach women the skills necessary to run their own businesses, and providing members of low-income homes with food and school uniforms. End Period Poverty is thrilled to collaborate with their on-the-ground team to distribute menstrual cups, reusable pads, and health education to schoolgirls in the region.

red equity

Red Equity is a nonprofit organization that was founded to combat period poverty by distributing menstrual products, advocating for legislation, and starting conversations to end the stigma surrounding menstruation. To date, the organization has distributed over 100,000 menstrual products nationwide. We’re proud to collaborate with the Red Equity team on de-stigmatizing menstruation and promoting sustainable means to end period poverty through legislation and advocacy in Colorado and Texas.

wing woman lebanon

Due to the economic crisis in Lebanon, period poverty has undoubtedly been exacerbated—currently, 76% of menstruators in the country struggle to purchase menstrual products. To change this, Wing Woman Lebanon was founded to employ women from vulnerable communities based in Lebanon to make sustainable reusable pads. The pads are then sold commercially or to other NGOs, providing socio-economic opportunities for women while ending period poverty. We’re privileged to be able to work with such an influential and needed organization!

the cova project

The Cova Project is an amazing NGO based in Australia that serves low-income women and girls in Liberia, Malawi, Ghana, and Uganda through the provision of menstrual cups and health education. To date, the Cova Project team has distributed over 19,000 menstrual cups across projects, and End Period Poverty is excited to work with them to continue giving sustainable menstrual solutions to as many women as possible.